1997 Conference Schedule

Thursday, April 10, 1997

8:00 AM Registration UC Lobby
10:00 AM Kathleen McGrory Shiloh Room
1:00 PM UTK Panel on Public Education Shiloh Room
3:30 PM Refreshment Break Shiloh Room
4:00 PM Jeffrey Kovac Shiloh Room
Ray Carroll UC 217

Friday, April 11, 1997

9:00 AM Fontaine Belford Shiloh Room
Andrea Cartwright UC 217
Richard Clewett UC 218
10:00 AM Karl Hartzell Shiloh Room
Raymond Downing UC 217
Larry Rochelle UC 218
11:00 AM Bob Humphrey Shiloh Room
Kathleen Bohstedt UC 217
F. A. Hilenski UC 218
1:30 PM UTK Women's Studies Panel Shiloh Room
3:00 PM Refreshment Break Shiloh Room
3:30 PM Robert Stillman Shiloh Room
Charlotta Levay UC 217
Charles Reynolds UC 218
6:30 PM Vincent Harding Knoxville College
Colston Performing
Arts Center

Saturday, April 12, 1997

8:30 AM UTC Roundtable Discussion on Adjuncts Shiloh Room
10:00 AM UTK Senate Athletics Committee Panel Shiloh Room
1:00 PM Julius Getman Shiloh Room
2:30 PM Bennett Ramsey Shiloh Room
Grady Bogue UC 217
3:30 PM Refreshment Break Shiloh Room
4:00 PM Alvin Burstein Shiloh Room
Don Welch UC 217
Jeffrey Aper UC 218
7:00 PM Reception/Dinner Club LeConte

Questions and comments may be directed to the Conference Convenor, Alvin G. Burstein.

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Last updated: April 8, 1997