Values in Higher Education

University of Tennessee

Knoxville, TN

This is the third yearly conference at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville dealing with values in higher education. The series is sponsored by the University Studies Program, the Chancellor's Teacher Scholars, and the Center for Applied and Professional Ethics. The meetings are concurrent with Southeastern regional meetings of the Society for Values in Higher Education.

The 1996 conference was titled Ethics and the College Curriculum: Teaching and Moral Responsibility. The 1997 conference was titled Institutional Ethics: The Moral Dimensions of University Policy.

The 1998 conference is focused on moral authority and responsibility. It will address such questions as: For what and to whom is the university responsible? Are concerns about the stewardship and integrity of higher education or pressures of cost containment driving current civic and political questions about value for dollar? Are higher education's responses to these concerns and pressures more cosmetic and adaptive or serious and substantive? Is it possible to construct performance indicators and quality evidences that serve both accountability and improvement motives? To which constituencies should higher education be responsive? To what ends should higher education be directed?

The 1998 conference features papers by three plenary speakers: Frederick Humphries, President, Florida A & M University; Kathleen McGrory, former Executive Director of the Society for Values in Higher Education and President emerita, Hartford College for Women; and David L. Miller, William P. Tolley Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Humanities, Syracuse University. In addition, 20 briefer papers will be presented in concurrent sessions.

This series of conferences would not have been possible without the unflagging and enthusiastic support of Chancellor William Snyder. Financial support was provided by the National Alumni Association, the Haines-Morris Foundation Endowment, the Hodges Better English Fund, the Cracker Barrel Corporation of Lebanon, Tennessee, and Professor Emeritus George Wheeler.

1996 Proceedings 1997 Proceedings 1998 Proceedings

Talk to the Conference Participants

Conference Steering Committee:

Fran Ansley Paul Ashdown
Marcia Katz Glenn Graber
Carolyn Hodges Hilde Nelson
Robert Levy Ralph Norman
Charles Reynolds Robert Stillman
Richard Wisniewski Ron Hopson
Alvin G. Burstein & Grady Bogue, Co-Convenors

Audrey Tinkham, Conference Coordinator

Sponsored by:

Chancellor's Teacher Scholars
University Studies Program
Center for Applied and Professional Ethics

Questions and comments may be directed to the conference convenor, Alvin G. Burstein.

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Janet Krantz, M.S. WebMaster

Last updated: July 10, 1998