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It is a pleasure to welcome you to the UTK Women's Studies Program Panel on "Women's Studies and the Voicing of Feminist Values for University Reflection."

This theme is based on the premise that a Women's Studies program can make a difference on our campuses. By enabling the voicing of the ethical and political values that women can bring to the academy, Women's Studies programs engage the university in critical reflection about what it has been in the past--one of our social structures that has silenced women--and about how it might be different--a process that can transform the institution itself.

We will begin our consideration of the program theme with presentations by three members of the UTK faculty. At the completion of their presentations we invite you to join in a dialogue with us and with each other on these issues.

Dr. Becker's Introduction

Our first panelist, Susan Becker, received her undergraduate education at Ohio University, and her graduate education at John Carroll University and Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, where she earned her doctorate. Her dissertation was published as The Origins of the Equal Rights Amendment: American Feminism between the Wars and was awarded a Choice Outstanding Academic Book designation. She is also the co-author of a two volume set of historical problems that require students to use critical thinking, Discovering the American Past, now coming out in a fourth edition. Former chair of the Women's Studies Program and the winner of two Outstanding Teaching awards, Dr. Becker has taught Women's Studies since the first year that the courses were offered at U.T. Her presentation will focus on the history of Women's Studies and the questions that are raised when we try to transform the curriculum generally, and history courses particularly, so that they utilize gender as a category of analysis.

Dr. Becker's Presentation

Dr. Howe's Introduction

Laura Howes, Associate Professor of English, was awarded a Ph.D. from Columbia University. Her excellence in teaching has been recognized both by her Department and her College. She was the recipient of the English Department's Teaching Award for 1990-91 and the College of Arts and Sciences' Junior Teaching Award for 1993-94. Dr. Howes's area of specialty is Medieval Literature and Culture. She will be speaking today about women inside and outside the institution.

Dr. Howe's Presentation

Dr. Postow's Introduction

Betsy Postow received her Ph.D. from Yale University in 1970. She has been a member of the UT faculty since 1972 and is a Professor of Philosophy. Her major areas of interest are normative reasons for action (or what makes something a good reason for doing something), ethics, and theories of the justification of ethics. Dr. Postow has published various articles in philosophical journals, and her article on "Pornography, Indirect Harm, and Feminist Analysis: A Response to the Professors Häyry," which is forthcoming in the Journal of Value Inquiry, is related to the topic which she will address today: The Importance of Teaching Philosophy of Feminism.

Dr. Postow's Presentation

Copyright NORMA COOK, M.A.

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Last updated: July 22, 1997